Earth |
Earth Element |
Mijdrecht, September 5, 2011
Dear Fellow Pilgrim on the Sufi path,
We invite you to participate in the afternoon of the Five Elements in the ‘Ashrama’, Naarden, the Netherlands, on March 3, 2012, 2.00 p.m.
Ananda Priem and Züleyha Geelen will guide this gathering.
April 14 and June 9 2012, 2.00 p.m., we shall practice at the Universel ‘Murad Hassil’, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
Qualities of the Element Earth.
The Earth Element is yellow, we see this whenever the Earth is dry. The colour of pure Earth is yellow. We see this also in many flowers, fruits, leaves. Especially as soon as the other Elements loose their influence, the flowers, fruits and leaves change from red or green to yellow: the Earth Element.
Beings that live very near the Earth have a strong sense of smell. This is perceptible in the animal world, and in human beings. In the body, the Earth has a direct connection with all solid parts: bones, teeth and nails.
The influence of the Earth gives one love of possessions, and makes one prolific, and especially it makes one careful.
If the Earth Element is dominant, one does not show fear, one is slow, one avoids conflicts and disorder; one loves pleasure, and sometimes one is selfish. The Earth person often has a high blood pressure and sometimes is dominant and hard; impulsive, warlike and sportive.
When focused at the Earth one is feeling safe in his situation and does not feel like movement or change.
In this Element all life-forces become inactive and energy is needed to activate the Earth Element. If bitter experiences are not dealt with sufficiently, the influence of the Earth Element causes bitterness in the character.
The opposite is the sweet. To be rather heavy, to use more meat and fat are good examples of the influence by the Earth Element.
All objects on Earth have their own dominant Element. However, everything is made of a mixture of the five Elements. The quantity of parts of the mixture, makes the difference. One observes this not only in solid objects, but also in fluids and in gas.
Whenever we feel insecure or nervous, we are not earthed. However, when we feel secure and balanced, the connection with the Earth is strong and we have our two feet on the ground. All things blocked may move again and dissolve in the liquidity of the Water Element.
Together with Light, the Element Earth brings us: modesty, openness, hospitality, generosity, balance, and it shows friendship and love.
Till the next message,
Yours, Sitara.
Water Element |
Mijdrecht, October 5, 2011.
Invitation: Five Elements afternoon in the ‘Ashrama’, Naarden, the Netherlands,
March 3, 2012, 2.00 p.m.
Ananda Priem and Züleyha Geelen will guide this gathering.
April 14 and June 9 2012, 2.00 p.m., we shall practice the Element Ritual at the Universel ‘Murad Hassil’, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
Dear Fellow Pilgrim on the Sufi path.
In the ‘Bowl of Sâki’ October 5th we read the words by Hazrat Inayat Khan:”There is no greater Scripture than nature, for nature is life itself”.
When we know how the five Elements work in- and outside the body, we understand life better. Being pilgrims on the Sufi path, we try to adjust to the Divine Ideal, and in this way we are connected with each other all the time.
For the pilgrim on the spiritual path, the working of the heart, the intellect, talking and acting are like actions carried out before the loving Eye of God. Too much divergence between the inner and the outer path will cause despair and even depression.
To know the working of the five Elements, teaches us how to live in harmony with ourselves and with each other.
The Water Element has a natural inclination to cool and it sustains the streams of body and life. Since more than 70% of our bodies consists of Water, it has an important part in the circulation of blood and bodily warmth.
As ice and water being two different things and still being one in their core nature, so it is with spirit and matter.Water has the ability to change into ice during a certain period and as soon as the ice starts to melt, it changes into water again. Matter is a temporary phase of spirit. However it does not change suddenly, like ice which melts and becomes water. Matter, being able to appear in a thousand ways, might really change into spirit.
The Water Element is pure, flowing, cleansing, it is refreshing, mild, sweet, binding, dissolving, flowing down, generating saliva, and it takes care of the organs of taste, which are located in the tongue. The Element Water is the symbol of embracing Love. Love understands, love is tolerant and always forgiving.
Like chakras, the five Elements are in the fingers: thumb – Fire, forefinger – Air, middle finger – Ether, ring finger – Earth, little finger – Water.
By mutual pressing, it is possible to strengthen the Elements: by pressing the tips of the thumb and the little finger, the blood is purified, and it makes the skin soft. Pressing the tips of the thumb, the ring finger and the little finger helps when one is tired and it gives relaxation.
Till the next message.
Yours, Sitara.
Fire Element |
Mijdrecht, November 5, 2011.
Dear Fellow Pilgrim on the Sufi path,
We invite you to participate in the afternoon of the Five Elements in the ‘Ashrama’, Naarden, the Netherlands, March 3, 2012, 2.00 p.m.
Ananda Priem and Züleyha Geelen will guide this gathering.
April 14 and June 9 2012, 2.00 p.m., we shall practice again at the Universel ‘Murad Hassil’, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
According to Hazrat Inayat Khan, aspiration is one of the most important qualities for the seeker on the spiritual path, who is yearning for the higher. The mystic, as it were, climbs up via the experiences of his life.
Being participants of the Element Ritual, we attach importance to the influence of the five Elements on our thinking, speaking and acting.
The Fire Element.
The Fire Element is the life and soul of the body and forms it into a usable instrument. The influence of the Fire Element brings on love for romantic music. If the Fire is dominant, the sense of smell is strongly developed. The Fire Element is represented in the blood and it brings warmth into the body: shown as perspiration and thirst. Fire takes care of good digestion. The human being with the vibration of the Fire Element, adjusts easily, is helpful, and he is extremely flexible, even more so than human beings with the vibration of Water, and changes easily.
This character has a deep longing for knowledge.
Lack of Fire causes anaemia, apathy, and even confusion. Also fainting, cataract, and skin diseases may develop if there is too small amount of the Element Fire.
The Fire helps to produce antibodies and it empowers thoughts. The Fire Element makes our muscles supple and gives a beautiful complexion.
In the East, one values highly all forms of treatment using the Fire Element. The Sufis know the Fire breathing. The Fire is a positive Element.
The Fire Element: negative: envy, anger, irritability;
positive: warmth, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, radiance, common sense, activity, noble mindedness.
Meditative posture: press the tip of the thumb (chakra: Fire Element) to the tip of the forefinger (chakra: Air Element). This helps in times of tension and is strengthening concentration and memory; this posture is good against insomnia (twice a day during ten minutes should be enough).
Till the next message.
Yours, Sitara.
Air Element |
Mijdrecht, December 5, 2011.
Dear Fellow Pilgrim on the Sufi path,
Invitation: The Five Elements afternoon in the ‘Ashrama’, Naarden, the Netherlands,
March 3, 2012, 2.00 p.m.
Ananda Priem and Züleyha Geelen will guide this gathering.
May 19 (not April 14) and June 9 2012, 2.00 p.m., we shall practice again at the
Universel ‘Murad Hassil’, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
The Air Element.
Air is Life itself. The Air Element creates sound. The Air Element is blue, the colour of the sky. Contact with Air makes seawater blue. Air is the power, which controls every part of the body. The Air Element maintains the breath. The Element Air controls functions of the heart, circulation of blood, and it sees to body balance. The Air stimulates bowel movement and urine pressure. The Element Air feeds the mental capacities and empowers memory. The Air Element drives away moodiness.
The Element Air in the personality gives courage, joy, confidentiality and restlessness.
The Air personality is always cheerful, gains impressions and pieces of information everywhere, consequently he is versatile, social, immediately adjusted and at ease. Air personalities like to speak, and have the power of imagination. This type never has enough time.
If the Air Element is dominant, one may see the colour blue on the tongue and the lips.
Breathing exercises, an inspiring talk, writing letters, singing and going out doing something pleasant help much more than medicines. A voyage might work wonders. Physical exercises are to be preferred to have a good blood circulation. Avoid constipation. Eat light food, fruit and salad.
Meditation posture:
Press strongly with the base of the thumb (Fire chakra) towards to the front of the bent fore finger (Air chakra). It helps against rheumatism, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and problems with blood circulation (about twice a day during ten minutes).
Dear Fellow pilgrim, have a joyful Christmastime and a Happy New Year.
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