Fire |
Choreography Element Ritual |
1. Ethermen
Accompaniment: Pitch F - 4- steps on percussion.
After a signal of the leader the Ethermen enter first. They walk in the 4-steps rhythm and loudly say the Wazifa: 'Bis mil lah al-Ham dulil lah'. After each lah comes one beat rest (one foot put next to the other foot; the 'resting foot' starts after the rest). The first Etherman carries the Light of the Element Ether. The Ethermen go straightforward and afterwards next to one another turning right and left around the Divine Light via the Ether point to the Divine Light. The first man puts down the Light of the Element Ether and after that goes backwards to the Ether point, the others have been standing behind him with arms crossed.
Important remarks:- When the Ethermen do not carry a candle, they cross the arms before the brest. The right hand on top of the left. This is the Position of Respect;
- If there is more than one Etherman, they step forward next to each other in the form of a heart.
2. Air-, Fire-, Water - and Earthmen
Accompaniment: Percussion.
The Air-, Fire-, Water- and Earthmen walk one after another in this order.
When the Airman puts down the candle, the other Airmen wait behind the first Man at the point of the Air Element. At the circle formed by the points of the five Elements, stand the Fire-, Water- and Earthmen in the direction of the next Element.
General procedure:
After having placed their candle before the Divine Light all first men go backwards to the point of their Element, where the others of that Element are waiting. The Men of the other Elements are standing on the circle. As soon as all the Men of one particular Element stand on their specific points, the remaining Men go behind them to the next Element.
Important remarks:- The Wazifa is constantly said aloud by all Men, except during putting down the candle;
- Everybody starts with the right foot;
- Doing the Steps the whole foot should be put down;
- The Men with the candles keep their left arms alongside the body, while the right hands are holding the candle, the underarm is at right angles to the upper arm which is alongside the body;
- The Men without candles hold their arms crossed before the brest. The right hand on top of the left hand in the Position of Respect;
- After a Man has put down his candle silently, and after he has crossed his arms before the brest, he once says the Wazifa aloud, and walks backwards to the point of his Element.
3. Invocation: "We invoke the Presence of God"When al Men stand on their specific places, at the sign of the leader, they say three times "We invoke the Presence of God", at the same pitch as the Wazifa, while bowing their heads slightly towards the Divine Light.
4. The Greetings- All Earthmen and Watermen Greet one another;
- All Watermen and Firemen greet one another;
- All Firemen and Airmen greet one another;
- All Men (also Ethermen) greet the Divine Light.
1. Earthwomen
Accompaniment: Pitch A - 2-Step on percussion.
After the sign of the leader the Earthwomen, in their Posture, enter the circle, which is formed by the points of the five Elements, and go directly to their offering places. They go in the 2-Step and say aloud the Wazifa: "Je-lal - Je-mal". The accent, with a little genuflection, is on the Je. The first Woman carries the offering. The first Woman, while offering, says the phrase of the Earth: 'Oh All productive Mother Earth, we humbly offer our Homage to Thee'.
General procedure:
During the procession towards the Divine Light of a specific procession, the Women of the other Elements sing the pitch of that particular Element. At the Divine Light the Women change from a standing posture to a kneeling position, accompanied by the pitch, without the Wazifa. In this position the first Woman with the offering pronounces the Phrase of that specific Element. The other Women of that Element are sitting next to each other (in a little half circle) behind the first Woman. The position of offering is directed upwards.
After this they raise their hands and bring them together in reference. Then all the Women raise on the given Pitch and walk backwards in their own Posture to their places, while the Women say their Wazifas. The other Women join the given Pitch in singing. After the offering all stand in the Posture of their specific Elements.
The Offering:- The first Woman raises her offering and says the Phrase of her Element (on the Pitch);
- The other Women have their hands referently against each other at the same level as the hands of the first Woman;
- They are sitting next to each other in a little half circle behind the first Woman;
- After the putting down of the offering by the first woman the hands are raised for a short concentration towards the Element;
- While walking backwards in their Posture, the other Women, in a half circle, have the first Woman in the center, and they end before the Men.
Important Remarks:- A good singer in front;
- All start with the right foot;
- While doing the Steps the whole foot should be put down;
- The Women of the other Elements join in singing the Pitch of the Element which is proceeding towards the Divine Light, except during the offering;
- Walking backwards towards their places the Women focus discreetly at the place where to stand;
- The Women experience their Element circling around the Divine Light towards the left side.
Phrases and Postures of the Women:- To Earth: O! All productive Mother Earth, we humbly offer our homage to Thee! (Hands out right and left, palms down);
- To Water: O! All purifying Water, we willingly offer our homage to Thee! (Hands held as if dripping with water);
- To Fire: O! All consuming Fire, we whole-heartedly offer our homage to Thee! (Hands raised above head, palms forward);
- To Air: O! All pervading Air, we gladly offer our homage to Thee!(Hands crossed as wings);
- To Ether: O! Ether, essence of all, we passively offer our homage to Thee! (Hands clasped at level of heart).
2. Waterwomen
Accompaniment: Pitch O - 3-Step on percussion.
The Waterwomen walk in their Posture in the 3-Step inside the circle left around the Divine Light directly towards the offering place, while saying aloud the Wazifa: 'La-ti-fa'. The accent (little bow) is on ti. The first Woman carries the offering in both hands.
During the offering the first Woman says the Phrase of the Water: "Oh All Purifying Water, we Willingly offer our Homage to Thee".
3. Firewomen
Accompaniment: Pitch I - 5-Step on percussion.
The Firewomen walk in their posture on the 5-Step inside the circle left around the -Divine Light towards the offering place, while saying aloud the Wazifa: "Al-lah Hu Ak-bar". The accent (little bow) is on Ak. The first Woman carries the offering in both hands.
While offering the first woman says the Phrase of the Fire: "Oh All consuming Fire, we Wholeheartedly offer our Homage to Thee".
4. Airwomen
Accompaniment: Pitch E - 6-Step on percussion.
The Airwomen walk in their Posture in the 6-Step inside the circle left around the Divine Light towards the offering place, while singing aloud the Wazifa: "Ya Sha-fee Ya Ka-fee". The accent (little bow) is on Ka. The first woman carries the offering in both hands.
During the offering the first Woman says the Phrase of the Air: Oh All Pervading Air, we Gladly offer our Homage to Thee".
5. Etherwomen
Accompaniment: Pitch U - 7-Step on percussion
The Etherwomen walk in their Posture in the 7-Step in the same rhythm left and right around the Divine Light, turn on the place of the Ether Element towards each other and go to the offering place, while saying aloud the Wazifa: "Isq Al-lah Ma Budh Al-lah". The accent (little bow) is on the last Al. The first woman carries the offering in both hands.
While offering the first Woman says the Phrase of the Ether: Oh Ether, Essence of All, we Passively offer our Homage to Thee".
1. Experience Earth Element
Accompaniment: Pitch A - 4-Step on percussion.
Continuation:- First Earthman goes to the Divine Light in the 4-Step and says aloud the Wazifa: "Bis mil lah al-Ham dulil lah";
- During the raising of the Light of the Element Earth on the Note A the man repeats several times the Phrase of the Element Earth: "Oh All Productive Mother Earth, we humbly offer our Homage to Thee";
- The Earthwomen experience their Element accompanied by music and singing;
- They end this experience after a signal and go back to their places, taking the Posture of the Earth Element;
- The Earthman walks backwards to the point of the Element saying the Wazifa.
2. Experience of the Water Element
Accompaniment: Pitch O - 4-Step on percussion.
Continuation:- The first Waterman goes to the Divine Light in the 4-Step and says aloud the Wazifa: "Bis mil lah al-Ham dulil lah";
- During the raising of the Light of the Element Water, on the Pitch O, the man repeats several times the Phrase of the Water Element: "Oh All Purifying Water, we willingly offer our Homage to Thee";
- The Waterwomen experience their Element accompanied by music and singing;
- They end their experience after a signal, go back to their places and take the Posture of the Water Element;
- The Waterman walks backwards to his place of the Element and says the Wazifa.
3. Experience of the Fire Element.
Accompaniment: Pitch I - 4-Step on percussion.
Continuation:- The first Fireman goes to the Divine Light in the 4-Step and says aloud the Wazifa: "Bis mil lah al-Ham dulil lah";
- During the raising of the Light of the Element Fire on the Pitch I the man repeats several times the Phrase of the Fire: "Oh All Consuming Fire, we wholeheartedly offer our Homage to Thee;
- The Firewomen experience their Element accompanied by music and singing;
- They end this experience after a signal and go back to their places and take the Posture of the Fire Element;
- The Fireman walks backwards to the place of the Element and says the Wazifa.
4. Experience of the Air Element.
Accompaniment: Pitch E - 4-Steps on percussion.
Continuation:- The first Airman goes to the Divine Light in the 4-Step and says aloud the Wazifa: "Bis mil lah al-Ham dulil lah";
- During the raising of the Light of the Element Air on the Note E the man says several times the Phrase of the Air: "Oh All pervading Air, we gladly offer our Homage to Thee";
- The Airwomen experience their Element accompanied by their Note E and the singing of the other Women. They end this experience after a signal, go back to their places and take the Posture of the Air Element;
- The Airman walks backwards to the place of the Element and says the Wazifa.
5. Experience of the Ether Element
Accompaniment: Pitch U - 4-Step on percussion.
Continuation:- The first Etherman and the first Men of the other Elements go to the Divine Light in 4-Step and say aloud the Wazifa: "Bis mil lah al-Ham dulil lah";
- During the raising of the Light of their Element on the Note U all first Men repeat several times the Phrase of the Ether: "Oh Ether, Essence of All, we passively offer our Homage to Thee";
- The Etherwomen experience their Element accompanied by music and singing;
- At a signal of the leader the Men put the candles down at the same time;
- Then the first Men walk three rounds in the 4-Step left around the Divine Light and say aloud the Wazifa: "Bis mil lah al-Ham dulil lah" and go back to their places at the same time.
Important Remarks:- The Men always pass the Women at their own left sides (side of the heart), going forwards as well as going backwards;
- During the experience of their Element the Women always move left around the Divine Light, continuously attuned to Posture, Steps and Wazifa.
CACOPHONY OF PITCHES- On the place of the specific Element, the persons of the Elements sing one after the other;
- After about 5 beats the persons of the next Element joins: "A; O; I; E and U" and continue their Pitch;
- Then the persons of the Elements sing together: "U, U, U, U" (about for 10 beats).
WHIRLING- The Men stand in the Posture of Respect on the circle and the Women stand in the Posture of their Element;
- After a bow (under the heart) and turning left in the Posture of Respect the Men raise their arms 'as the enfolding of a rose';
- The heads are turned left, while the eyes look over the open right hand;
- The right hand is receiving (palm up) and the left hand giving (palm down), both on head level;
- Turning is done by putting the right foot over the left foot;
- During the Whirling the name of Allah is silently repeated on the Earth breath;
- At the same time the Women follow the Men from the Postures of their Elements, which unfold into the Whirling, after the deep bowing and the turning in the Posture of Respect;
- The Men and the Women are whirling together now, the Men on the circle and the Women inside the circle;
- The leader makes a left turn around the Divine Light, while the Men and Women are whirling;
- At the sound of the bell the Men and Women follow the leader in taking the Posture of Respect;
- Turning around in the Posture of Respect, the Men and Women follow the leader towards the circle.
THE WAZIFA- The Men and the Women, in the Posture of Respect, make a round behind the leader (right hand lies on top of the left hand). The Women repeat the Wazifa: "Al Ham dulil lah" and the Men join in on the syllables "Al-.....-.....-lah;
- The right foot starts on the syllable "Al";
- Behind the leader, on the Wazifa, the Men and Women of the Elements walk out of the hall.
Important Remarks:- During the Wazifa there never are two Men next to each other;
- The Men and the Women are then divided over the whole circle.
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